Saturday, January 29, 2011

Who Uses A Coach?

Who in our culture uses a coach? Well, let's see. Everyone from Little League baseball players to professional athletes of all types and stripes. Actors and public speakers. People who have important goals to achieve in their lives.

In short, anyone who wants to improve some facet in his or her life uses a coach!

Why is having a coach valuable? It has to do with a principle called synergy, where one plus one adds up to more than two. To be sure, the coach may teach the person some "how to's" but of at least equal importance, the coach will inspire the person to greater heights and will hold the person accountable to overcome greater challenges than he or she could do alone.

We all like to look up to very successful people. What do they largely have in common? They tap into the power of synergy by using the skills of a coach as a multiplier for their own skills to achieve goals that are important to them.

Do you have important goals to achieve in your life? If so,what are you going to do about them?

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