Saturday, September 15, 2012

Your Inner Terrorist

We all have two natures. One is the happy, excited, fulfilled, successful, “I feel good about me” nature that enables me to step out and do things I have never done before. The other is the fearful, withdrawn, “I’m not good enough” nature that makes me doubt myself and causes me to stay stuck in mediocrity and dissatisfaction.

These two natures are always in competition with each other and, unfortunately, the second nature seems to be the one where we go more easily, probably because it’s the one we know better and with which we are more comfortable.

Further, the second nature speaks to us in soft, sweet tones, such as “That’s very hard so it’s okay if you stop now” or “You don’t have to do that today; tomorrow’s good enough” or “Somebody else did that to you” or “You’re not good enough to have that.” These soft words cause us to lose our resolve and, of greater concern, cause us to stop pursuing our goals and dreams!

The biggest problem is that when we give in to this nature, it, like a terrorist, is never satisfied. The Israelis, for example, know never to negotiate with a terrorist because no matter what concession one makes, the terrorist always wants more.

If, for example, you listen today to the “tomorrow’s good enough” rationalization, well, come tomorrow the same argument is going to apply and you will be putting stuff off until the next day. Before you know it, the week is gone and you have achieved nothing. And then you get to feel crappy and beat yourself up, which, of course, suits the terrorist just fine.

Don’t listen to your inner terrorist! Your inner terrorist does not have your best interest at heart; he (or she) only has his interest at heart. When you make the changes in you that you say you want, the terrorist loses power and he doesn’t want that; he will not give up easily. The way to beat him is not to play his game. Never negotiate with your inner terrorist!

When your inner terrorist shows up, and he will, know that it’s a sign that you are on the brink of something worthwhile. Use that awareness as a trigger to strengthen your resolve, blow through the terrorist’s agenda, and create the success you deserve!

Never negotiate with your inner terrorist!

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