Friday, July 15, 2011


The other evening I had the opportunity to attend a Klemmer & Associates Champions Workshop, this one facilitated by Scott Pullan. Scott did the workshop as well as I have ever seen it done, including one that I attended facilitated by Brian Klemmer.

One of the subjects Scott covered so aptly was the subect of dreaming. As I sat there listening to the discussion I realized that I don't have any well-defined dreams; what is up with that? I allowed myself to roam free for a few minutes and a dream popped into my consciousness, one that is so far "out there" that it only qualifies to be, well, a dream!

I have been mulling it over between then and now and the more I associate with it, the better I like it. The only "problem" I can see with it is that it lies well outside the bounds of probability (though not outside the bounds of possibility); it occurs to me that dreams don't have to be fettered by probability.

Another thing that occurs to me is that unless I create some change in myself, I won't get to have this dream. The dream is great but for it to come to pass, some action from me is required. What I have been doing up to now is not enough, based on results.

Knowing that creating a change in me can lead to this new dream is exciting and inspiring! Having a great big reward out there gives me great incentive to go forward!

I have been around the K&A track a number of times but this is the first time I have really gotten involved in this activity called dreaming. I highly recommend it.


  1. Wow! Paul, what you are saying is so true. It got me dreaming of my dream and I can say that I have not really taken much action. Thanks for the wake up call!!

  2. Paul,

    I found it!! Dah.... Love that you are in the mode of discovery - with yourself and everything around you. Though the ideas are not necessarily new for you, taking these ideas on in your life is creating goals and dreams beyond anything you have ever done before!! It's exciting and I'm glad to be here with you during this time in your life!!

  3. Paul,
    I haven't seen one of Scott's Champions Workshop.
    I will have to find one where he is leading it.

    Great notice on the idea of change. The greatest predictor of future performance is past performance unless something changes. To get to different we have to change the ingredients in the pot!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Paul,
    Its great to hear your experience at PM.
    Based on results I am certain that my dreams have been less than vivid. I will create dreams of great detail. Thanks for sharing.
