Friday, July 15, 2011


The other evening I had the opportunity to attend a Klemmer & Associates Champions Workshop, this one facilitated by Scott Pullan. Scott did the workshop as well as I have ever seen it done, including one that I attended facilitated by Brian Klemmer.

One of the subjects Scott covered so aptly was the subect of dreaming. As I sat there listening to the discussion I realized that I don't have any well-defined dreams; what is up with that? I allowed myself to roam free for a few minutes and a dream popped into my consciousness, one that is so far "out there" that it only qualifies to be, well, a dream!

I have been mulling it over between then and now and the more I associate with it, the better I like it. The only "problem" I can see with it is that it lies well outside the bounds of probability (though not outside the bounds of possibility); it occurs to me that dreams don't have to be fettered by probability.

Another thing that occurs to me is that unless I create some change in myself, I won't get to have this dream. The dream is great but for it to come to pass, some action from me is required. What I have been doing up to now is not enough, based on results.

Knowing that creating a change in me can lead to this new dream is exciting and inspiring! Having a great big reward out there gives me great incentive to go forward!

I have been around the K&A track a number of times but this is the first time I have really gotten involved in this activity called dreaming. I highly recommend it.