Tuesday, April 12, 2011

You Create What You Believe

“You don’t create what you want, you create what you believe.”
~Brian Miller

If this is true, and I suspect it is because Brian Miller is one of the smartest guys I know about this sort of thing, then this is an excellent reason for having a coach or a mastermind.

Consider: if there’s something you say you want but you don’t have it, we can pretty well conclude that you don’t believe you should have it. That implies either a) you don’t really want it or b) you want something else more, such as not being afraid, staying comfortable or not straying outside the boundaries your programs have set for you.

Your coach and/or the members of your mastermind, because their backgrounds are different from yours, do not share your particular fears, devotion to comfort or set of programs. To be sure, they probably have their own set of limiters, but since those are different from yours, your coach and/or mastermind members can assist you in overcoming your obstacles. Literally, what appears to be a huge obstacle to you may not be anywhere so daunting to them and they can assist you in moving over, under, around or through it.

Your coach is skilled in helping you create solutions. He or she will help you find the answers you almost certainly already possess, if only you are willing to do the digging to ferret them out.

So the solution is right there in front of you. Of course, this assumes you believe in yourself enough to get off your butt and get involved with people who can help you make your dreams come true.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you Paul on being in a Mastermind group. As a first time author I must admit that my book would be on the bookshelf at the back of my mind instead of being in the finished and written form. I am stronger as a result of my group's open and frank input.
    Thanks for your inspiring blog posts.
