Saturday, February 19, 2011

Of Problems, Solutions and Gifts

“There is no such thing as a problem without a gift for you in its hands. You seek problems because you need their gifts.” ~from Illusions, by Richard Bach.

I might mildly disagree with Mr. Bach and say that I seek problems because I want their gifts rather than need their gifts, but I think that may reflect my bias toward responsible (want implies the availability of choices) rather than victim (need implies the absence of choices). That being said, this is a fairly profound statement.

I cannot speak for you, dear reader, but I know that when I am confronted with a problem I have a tendency to act a little huffy, a little put-upon (as in, "Oh, why me?") and then I go and solve the problem, perhaps completely missing the gift hidden within.

At the very least the act of solving a problem makes me feel better about me. It can surely be said, "You can't solve a problem until you have a problem." I am good at creating solutions to problems and the successful application of my creativity is always good for my self-esteem. That itself may be the gift, or
a gift.

As a life coach I say that I help people create solutions that improve their lives. It now occurs to me, results-oriented creature that I am, that gifts may be found in the process of creating solutions and not just in the solutions themselves.

Think about that one for a while. I will be.